



Sevenoaks visits Peleteiro

There are always nerves when you first take part in an exchange, as you will be away for ten days living with strangers or in a boarding house. Also, you are concerned about being a good partner for your host, but when you meet that person those worries melt away. We had the chance to go to one of the most prestigious schools in England and the experience of being part of that school, even for ten days was terrific. Sevenoaks School is breathtaking. The buildings were impressive as was the way the school functions.
We also had wonderful partners. Having the chance to get to know them was the best part of the exchange, they were very nice with us and we all have fond memories of them and the trip, although we had to hurry to arrive on time for most the excursions.
In summary, we had a great time in England and we were eager for them to come over here.
On the day of their arrival we were all excited. Meeting them again was simply great although sadly, not all of the partners were able to come. They were naturally expecting the sun, and although they didn’t see the famous good weather of Spain, they enjoyed the different trips they went on such as going to a hot spa in Ourense and  visiting the factory of INDITEX in A Coruña. They also enjoyed our food, especially the Spanish omelette and  octopus. They visited the old part of Santiago and had the chance to go on the roof of the Cathedral, they said the sights were spectacular.
It was challenging being good hosts, our main concern was to make sure they had a great time in Spain, we think that they did. In total we had spent almost twenty days with them learning more about English culture and showing them the Spanish one, improving our English, but most of all, we had made very good friends. 
And so, the 3rd of April was the last day of this incredible exchange, we were all a little down and some of us even cried, but hopefully it won´t be the last time we see each other.
Adela Gómez Parga
Sergio Pichel Vázquez

Del 27 de marzo al 3 de abril, el Colegio “M. Peleteiro” recibió la visita de un grupo de alumnos y alumnas del SEVENOAKS SCHOOL, colegio de gran prestigio fundado en 1432, situado en el Condado de Kent, a pocos kilómetros de Londres. Recientemente, se le ha concedido el premio al mejor colegio independiente del año por sus resultados académicos.
Esta visita se enmarca en el programa de intercambios que el departamento de Inglés del Colegio ha organizado para los alumnos de 1º de Bachillerato en el presente curso.
Este intercambio supone que los estudiantes ingleses convivan durante estos días alojados con las familias de nuestros alumnos, a la vez que desarrollan un programa de actividades enfocado a que conozcan diversas facetas de la vida educativa en nuestro Centro, del Santiago monumental y otros lugares de interés. El programa de actividades a realizar comprende la asistencia a clases, visitas a distintas exposiciones y museos de Santiago, excursiones a A Coruña, Ourense, etc. Se pretende así que los alumnos británicos compartan no sólo la actividad académica sino que, además, conozcan la realidad geográfica y cultural de nuestra ciudad y nuestra comunidad.